Automotive Gas Oil

The term AGO, which specifically stands for the Automotive Gas Oil, is the name given to the fuel type that's used by road vehicles (cars, trucks, buses, vans, and the likes) that ate powered by DIESEL engines.

Technically speaking, the term Automotive Gas Oil (AGO) is the technical name used by the oil industry in describing this particular fuel. However, in terms of the ordinary consumers in the market, the term 'automotive diesel fuel' or just plain 'diesel', is the more commonly used and more widespread name that the ordinary consumer uses in describing this fuel. Within the oil industry, the generic oil industry name that’s used to describe gasoil - which include both AGO and IGO - fall under the 'Middle Distillate' category, meaning those kinds of refines oil products whose 'boiling range' fall in the MIDDLE, that is, between those whose range fall in the higher levels or in the lower levels.

AGO is used in two main types of vehicles:

1) The heavy-duty vehicles, such as trucks and buses

2) The light-duty vehicle, such as vans and passenger cars.